Yellow Diamonds

NEWS Video Game Collectibles Barbie Collectibles Yellow Diamonds The Royal Family Collectibles Cecil Touchon Eero Saarinen Collecting Art Glass Mid Century Modern What type of items sell well on consignment? Auctions trend up in 2021 The Real Estate Market Post pandemic. Rustic items and antiques in interior design Fine Jewelry SHARE Yellow diamonds are a […]
Selling Emeralds and Sapphires

Fine Jewelry Auctions The term “fine jewelry” is used for any jewelry that is made from precious metals such as gold, silver, or platinum. Fine jewelry typically contains genuine gemstones like diamonds, sapphires, garnets, citrines, rubies, tourmalines, or emerald. Fine jewelry is durable and made to last so it is suitable for every day use. […]
Fine Jewelry and Gemstones

Fine jewelry resale Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Tips for selling or buying fine jewelry. Fine jewelry used to be a sign of royalty once reserved for kings and queens, and/or presented as gifts. Later fine jewels and gemstones were used to denote stature, upper-class status, and elegance, and today, fine […]
What is the preferred way to sell fine jewelry?

What’s the best method of selling fine jewelry? Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin You know you don’t want to try and resell fine jewelry on your own. This is not safe. But what are the options? The decision to sell fine jewelry can be a difficult one and the decision how […]
Cartier Love bracelet old vs new

Cartier Love Bracelet (the old screw system vs the new screw system) Learn the difference between the old and new screw systems for the Cartier “Love” bracelet. Before 2011 The Cartier Love collection is one of the most desired collections since it’s inception in 1969 by Aldo Cipullo. The simple design with exposed screw motif […]

Alexandrite “Emerald by day, ruby by night” A high quality Alexandrite is one of the most expensive and rare stones in the world. There are also a lot of synthetic Alexandrites in the market. One day I was at my jewelers getting a ring sized and the woman in front of me was extremely chatty […]
How the Cartier Panthers came to be.

The Cartier Panthers How the famous panther came to be. You don’t have to be an animal lover, or a lover of felines to adore the Cartier panthers whether it is a watch, pendant, ring, bracelet, brooch, cufflinks, handbag, wallet or even a scarf. It was when Jeanne Toussaint first laid eyes on a live […]
64 Facets Diamond Jewelry

64 Facets Fine Jewelry For sale or resale, it’s always a good sign when your jewelry is one of the go-to jewelry lines of Neiman Marcus. The issue of credibility, quality, and style suddenly becomes a non-issue. It also doesn’t hurt when your jewelry is common-place on the Red Carpet and it’s regularly adorning the […]
Fine jewelry & designer handbag auction December 2020

Fine jewels, Hermes, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, Patek Philippe Auction Sunday Dec 13, 2020 10:00 AM PST Get more information Immediate shipping for Christmas. Immediate shipping for Christmas. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase high profile jewels and time pieces below retail and some below wholesale. Vintage and modern, something for everyone. Men’s and […]
Beautiful Brooches

You don’t have to be Queen Elizabeth to wear and love broaches. I remember my grandmother always having a brooch on her coat, dress, sweater, or jacket, not only when she left the house, but around the house! She also wore false eye lashes into her 90’s, and I never saw her without lipstick, so […]